Meeting productivity

Increase Productivity In Your Meetings

May 9, 2022

Two reasons why your meetings are unproductive.

Every time you want to write down, how would I make my meeting more productive, typical the tips goes like “Share the agenda prior to the meeting”, “Start your meeting on time”, “Keep the conversation going”,“ask questions.”

Although those are awesome tips that will make any meeting more productive, it’s easy to forget the one thing that can make or break meeting productivity:

The Scheduling.

If it sounds like a horror film title, it’s because it is. For most of us, at least.

From checking in on each and every attendee, one by one, to emailing them back-and-forth until you can find a time that works for them…and then having to do it all over again, because — surprises, surprise — they won’t be able to attend the meeting at the scheduled time.

If you’re currently operating like that, you shouldn’t be surprised that it takes hours or even days for you to schedule a single meeting.

You shouldn’t blame yourself for developing a toxic relationship with meetings, either. If just scheduling them drains all of your energy, the meeting prep and the actual meetings will always feel like exhausting work.

You can follow every meeting productivity tip to a “T”. Unless you have a scheduling platform that helps you do your job, your meetings will remain the same.

With that in mind, here are today’s best productivity tips for meetings:

  • Schedule your meetings with one email. No more, no less.
  • Find the best time for every attendee without emailing them back-and-forth.
  • Schedule and organize your meetings inside your inbox, instead of switching to multiple tabs.

If you’re thinking “well, I can’t possibly do that with one email”...then your current way of scheduling is your top productivity-killer. Or rather, the current platform you’re using.

The feel of Unproductively

Do you often feel Unproductive online meetings? Not your fault.

If you’ve been trying to get this online meeting thing right for a couple years now, you’ve probably struggled with at least one of the following situations:

  • The pain of scheduling and setting up meetings on a bunch of different platforms.
  • Emailing guests back-and-forth until you can, by some miracle, settle on a time slot that works for them.
  • Organizing unproductive meetings that bring up “this could’ve been an email” jokes.

Well, that happens to the best of us. But what if we told you that none of that is your fault?

Struggling to schedule meetings isn’t your fault.

Having to send a dozen different emails to the same person asking “Does X time work for you?” isn’t your fault. Not even unproductive meetings – those where guests don’t say a word or can’t fake the slightest interest in what you’re saying – are your fault.


The blame (and the joke) is on the platform you’re using.

Yes, it might be the platform “everyone” is using to run their online meetings. It might even have earned its own verb.

But the truth is: everyone is wrestling with the same online meeting issues you are. Every. Single. Day. Yes, even though they might look like they’re experts at it.

Here’s why:

Because the seemingly simple task of scheduling emails takes us days, when it should take us seconds.

And we all know that it’s virtually impossible to plan an effective meeting when we’ve spent half of our planning time on haphazard scheduling.

You don’t need a better agenda. Not necessarily. What you need is a scheduling platform that respects your time!

So, what does the right platform have that others don't? It’s quite simple:

  • It should let you schedule your meetings with a single email.
  • It should take you seconds to find the best time for all attendees.
  • It should let you organize meetings without leaving your inbox.
  • In short: it should automagically solve all of the meeting headaches you’ve been dealing with for the past 2 years.

If it sounds too good to be true, then you must be really struggling. Again: not your fault.

If you haven’t register yet, we invite you a solve these and many other problems we have each day on our companies meetings with LETSMEET, and put an end to the most time-consuming part of meetings. For good.